Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blizzard's Rob Pardo asks players to direct Diablo III blame to him


     When Jay Wilson announced that he was leaving his position as director of Diablo III, the forums were filled with responses. To the surprise of absolutely no one who has visited any forum in the history of the Internet, many of those responses were some variety of blaming Wilson for every issue the game might have or claiming that the game is clearly being abandoned completely. That didn't sit well with executive producer Rob Pardo, who took to the forums to tell players that if they want someone to blame, blame him.

   Pardo explains that he's extremely proud of the game and that everyone remains dedicated to making it the best it can be. At the same time, he stresses that he was responsible for hiring and overseeing Wilson's work, and he takes full responsibility for the game as a whole. The odds of this actually defusing forum vitriol are still roughly nil, but it does ensure that at least in Pardo's eyes it will be directed in a more deserving direction, and it's a classy move no matter what you think of the game.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

C9 elements of survival skills

     First of all, why the world propaganda are shouting to high attack the sickle, investigation, illusionist, bullets, ice woman. When submitted as an element into the team for most of the time is the result of a refusal.

     To help analyze the analysis. Elements were able to improve the skills, can be used as a main survival, even as a command.

The majority of the elements of their own position is not accurate. Simply when a fort in the distance output is wrong, very easy to disrupt the rhythm of his team mates. Because the elements of technology skills are almost always knock down. Juggernaut, priests, sickle career, most do not want to see the monster fell to the ground, it would seriously affect the output.
Our position is it? Mainly at close range, distance, supplemented by a professional output.

    The survival skills of the majority of the large volume BOSS is interrupted, whether hard straight, are relying on the skills determined by the frequency of attacks. Very low frequency, long-range attack and can not do seamless output. [Skills we can use the wind array, the array is three times close wind damage, this is the maximum output] and we have a lot of close-skills.  sell C9 Gold items COTN

The [BOSS and take place:
Elements of the instant output is large, it is easy to pull the BOSS hatred, then this case, there are a lot of novice element is how to do it? With BOSS to run around, we are more and more dangerous, team mates can not effectively output delay time, the situation is confusing, and even lead to eradication mission.

So how do you do it?
Particularly in so positioned under the near distance output. The maximum output of the elements close to playing out.

    Melee skills and eat stiff BOSS 8,9,11,17 off, we completely close BOSS output when hatred in your body, do not run around, saw an opportunity to roll can. And these large volume BOSS actions are relatively slow, skill release obvious precursor, it is easy to evade. So long as you are always around the BOSS around, it can effectively achieve the maximum output, and let your team mates assured peace of mind of output.

   So if it is in remote skill-based BOSS, such as 10, 13 off. Output remains in or close to the main. We assume BOSS hatred in your body, you do not run around, but side jump wind array BOSS, arc-shaped post moves, or called dancing moves, because we can jump wind array. Do not need to run into a round, do exercise at this locus can, so that BOSS will not to make team mates unexpected shift all master control.

   So a tyrants body of BOSS, either melee or remote BOSS, such as 14, 16 and 18 of these checkpoints, to keep the middle distance, the same way as above, remote BOSS.

We have such moves will not be other mobs attack.
Such a principle, no matter how you go places, go to try to keep the boss between you and the mobs, so that you can output BOSS to control the mobs, and the output of mobs.  cheap C9 gold

   In simple terms, is to keep the above mentioned mobile route elect less strange position at the same time to go. Say the Bureau, while output BOSS also pay attention to the surrounding mobs skills needed change direction, to ensure that the mobs in a controlled location.

 Many elements students put skills are put brain. The purpose of the release of the skills to make the most of the skills are instantaneous time CD, reducing the effective self-defense, to interrupt, control monster skills, resulting in the team and its dangerous.

    The electricity the dazzle can effectively interrupted BOSS skills, be used with caution.The ice gun may be a short period of time caused by the high frequency of attacks, and can also be interrupted by BOSS skills demand.

    The above two skills are not high output can be retained on-demand use.
Lightning light waves, the release can be sustained output, increase the number of attacks per unit of time, the effective control of BOSS, which reduces the skill use. Ice baby unit time can also increase the number of attacks with lightning light wave empathy. The multi-purpose.
Close paragraph 3 attacks in the blue skill books, wind array, the maximum output skills test. Mirage Sunburst and magic track bomb can increase the attack interval to use to maintain demon attack increase buff.

 Mainly refers to with his team mates, we can not force his team mates to match us, but we can be effective with team mates. For example, Juggernaut put storm when you do not use the Phantom Sunburst. There team mates in output should not arbitrarily Downfall (especially the first 3 off). Now have wind array skill books, multi-array can be used wind, lightning than not skills.
Knock down skills not casually put, that the depends on team mates situation. Especially the walk, we are a group attacking career. Body part monster hatred must try pulling the monster go, control monster trend, so that hatred monster in your body and follow team mate monsters gather heap, so that you and your team mates output can be maximized. This is particularly important in related multi-BOSS 12,16,18 case.    MapleStory Mesos      Dungeon Fighter Online gold

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Visit From Toymaker Tixxby

    The end of the year is a busy time for everyone, whether it's because you're out visiting family, cramming every sugar-laden calorie possible into your body, or wrapping up projects and working valiantly to meet deadlines. That can make it difficult to squeeze in time for Guild Wars 2, so how do you make the most of what little time you can get in-game? I'm glad you asked! Just as in the Halloween update, there's a title associated with the Wintersday festivities. It's a title that tracks achievements, and in order to get it, you need 12 of the 14 or so available Wintersday achievements. You've got just over a week from today to rack up achievement points. So what's the best use of your time if you want to be an Apprentice Toymaker?(1)

Bell Choir

A few rounds of the Bell Choir activity will net you two achievements: Ring in the Season and Become the Bells. You'll have to play 500 correct notes and play through 10 songs; that means at least two full rounds, possibly three or four if you're struggling a little at getting the notes properly. Bell Choir will reward you with a number of presents based on your performance, so there's a perk there.
Winter Wonderland

Completing the Wintersday jumping puzzle will earn you only one of your 12 necessary achievements, but it's relatively simple. The puzzle is timed but not overly tricky. You can run it once a day for the shiny reward of a booster or tonic, a karma consumable, and a few crafting snowflakes. Subsequent runs will get you three gift boxes.(2)buy or sell GW2 items

Snowball Mayhem

If PvP is your thing, the capture the flag-style Snowball Mayhem is a pretty quick way to pick up titles. I was able to nab the Gift Bringer achievement in just two rounds. Depending on your boldness, Gift Stopper might take a couple of extra tries, as you've got to get the final blow on a gift-bearing opponent.

Tixx's Wondrous Workshop

You've pretty much got to head into the workshop instance at some point. Now that Tixx is in Lion's Arch, you can go back and do any day's event that you like. Each day gets a little more complicated than the day before, so if time's of the essence, you'll probably want to run however many of the five instances you need in the order that they were created. Tixx visited the Grove, Divinity's Reach, the Black Citadel, Hoelbrak, and Rata Sum in that order. That's five achievements right there, with a sixth if you smash every single miniature piece of Tixx's diorama. This is easiest to do if you just hang back after the instance is completed; you won't have to worry about mobs spawning on you. The Workshop instance, as well as Toypocalypse (which we'll address in a second), will also earn you credit toward the monthly "Buster of the Busted" achievement for killing malfunctioning toys.(3)


This has only been available since Tixx arrived in Lion's Arch and can get you two achievements (in addition to helping out with Buster of the Busted). You're defending gift-bearing dolyaks from onslaughts of malfunctioning toys. Make it through 10 rounds without losing all of the five gift dolyaks for the first achievement; survive a total of 50 waves of foes for the second. The first achievement used to require that all five dolyaks survive to the end of the 10 rounds; now you can keep just one alive and be fine.   Dofus Powerleveling

Cold-weather Friend

The achievement for building snowmen throughout the world is probably the worst return on your time. You've got to build 50 snowmen out of piles of Magic Snow, and the snow isn't exactly everywhere.

Have a very merry Wintersday, everybody!