Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DNF blocking weapons effects science, attack can block as long as add effects

In fact, blocking weapon effect is not required to be shadowless, nor must meridian, not must be more than white words.

The first to explain the principle of blocking weapons effects: similar the meridian such weapons effects most built-in CD, so theoretically set period of time can only be triggered by attacking effect, blocking effects of the use of the weapons, in fact, the network delay, the flow of data between the server and your computer, there is a delay.

Such shadowless block meridional and white is using shadowless existence independent injury determination, coupled with the skills, White Hand awakening or red-eye anger a class of multi-stage attack reached change meridian instant through the shadowless additional damage trigger repeatedly effect the purpose. Trigger a number of meridional effect so that in the blink of an eye, to achieve the purpose of the overlay effect and because network data delay characteristics, thereby circumventing the weapons limitations of the built-in CD (type of white text only trigger equipment effects, effects skills can not be triggered , and the after-mentioned saws the contrary).

Understand the principle, in fact, blocking weapons and props, a lot.

Such similar groups of killing or with fatal damage or break the magic weapons additional damage judgment can block meridional effect, if the carnage and shadowless difficult to obtain false purple or easily obtained .

It's worth noting that the determination Gland, strong blow effect because not independent additional damage, it can not increase the damage determination frequency, which is the card can not. There is also a special BOSS powder Chainsaw multistage attack can not trigger weapon effects.

There is bleeding and poisoning effect can not trigger weapon effects.

In addition meridian is not necessary, for example, can be used glaucoma shock beasts sword card strength and stamina, or Tai Laka accelerated. As long as it is with the first attack, the effects of weapons of additional capacity can block.

In fact, the effect of the use of Molotov cocktails can block, throw a few in the group of monsters, and then burn the instant change weapons achieve data delay effects, can achieve the desired effect.

In short, whether white on yellow letters or equipment selection, as long as the instantaneous numerous injuries judgment to trigger weapons effects, can be done to avoid the effect of the built-in CD superimposed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The U.S. Server Forum riots players angrily denounced Fight Club into a rich patent

According to some players reflect on the PTR, Fight Club as follows:
1, letter of invitation to purchase black market inside other items are to the bid auction be obtained (this is confirmed, say four hours to brush an invitation, but most say that one day a invitation)

In Fight Club, to invite other players to reach a certain level (some say highest level rank8), an unknown number of players able to invite.

Fight Club server first rank8 players glorious achievements (confirmed)

4 Fight Club in a camp at the same time can only accommodate one player game, the remaining queued players can only watch (confirmation)

5, Boss violent time, a lot of players on the PTR (463 Equipped) failed to beat the Boss violent before. (Confirmed)
6 Fight Club reward poor (confirmed)
7, the first batch of hit rank8's career will be a blood DK (confirmed)
If this change is constant, then we may see the following scene:
1, the invitation is the Great Society-funded monopolized thus invited by selling, and profiteering.
2, whether or not the monopoly of the Great Society, a few invitations before the service in the country I am afraid that will be the upper limit turnover. Means buy server first glorious achievements.
3, ordinary players take a long time to come into contact with the Fight Club.
4, a day to queue up several hours before playing again Fight Club.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Diablo 3PvP equipment, technical and tactic choices

A lot of people look at the Diablo become a mere brush equipment game, but in

fact, Diablo is far more than just a brush equipment game.

As a loyal fan of Diablo PVP, I would like to take the opportunity to chat

with Diablo PVP, especially D3 PVP.

Diablo PVP once very prosperous, Diablo PVP attract the top players. Like war

to promote the development of science and technology, PVP also promote the

development of the technology of the Diablo. Pure PVE only shallow mining

skills and techniques of the Diablo, the IQ is far better than AI, Player VS

Player is the real challenge. Because PVP order to better overcome the others,

a lot of players patiently test attributes, skills, equipment, and constant

innovation - new fitted a new mix of skills and new tactics.

A Diablo PVP's characteristics


Feelings of personal maximum speed, Diablo is a fast game. And including speed

mobile speed and combating frequency.

Once Sor 7F (F = frame seconds = 25frame, 7f mean is 7/25 of a second), TP,

AMA 200 f / w, Pal Vigor + charge, these skills allows gamers to very fast

moving. When Master 7F TP, for example, the player can within one second,

moving over 1.5 diagonal screen distance, this ability to move rarely seen in

other games inside.

Bar WW, Pal Smite, these skills can reach 4F rapid, is the second combat 6

times for remote attack skills, general can do one second crack down on more

than three times. This same frequency of people in the other game which is


Venues and tactics

The former Diablo PVP venue (in addition to the corridors of the BVB) is very

open, which gives the players full freedom of movement, and the operations and

tactics can be the perfect combination. This is also why Diablo for high

tactical requirements. Although the damage can let the other die within 2-3

under Diablo PVP, however, often are more than five minutes and protracted

(called persistent, because if you can look at Dota two heroes battle to the

party dies before two people in a few seconds, CS Battle party die before how

long), and some can even reach more than 10 minutes or more.

offense-defense balance 

An experienced PVP players can experience to the Diablo PVP offense-defense balance how important. Diablo PVP is definitely not high DPS will be able to win the

game, even the DPS the higher means that character is more there is no


In Diablo PVP Inside, players first consider several data standards Block (if

the other side is a physical attack), casting speed or attack speed, faster

hit recovery, Faster Block Rate, HP, Mana, mana regeneration, movement speed

resistant material Free, absorption data. After satisfying the above

requirements, is heap injury. Even according to the player's preferences or

the actual requirements of the different partial defense Build and migraine

attacks Build. But even migraine attacks, but also to meet a lot of data

requirements Caixing, otherwise only tragedy.

Which is why this only dps theory is wrong, because the highest DPS often

means that this is a useless figure, only to meet the high DPS is a sufficient

defense needs effective DPS.

Figures relative to g

Diablo PVP is often called the strongest figure. Although once ama showing

such a temperament, but in fact ama also not invincible. More a character can

rule 1.1.0. Hammer din g asn asn grams dru dru g hammerdin this mutual


Of are the Diablo 2PVP the said above content. Game content and features can

be seen, Diablo 3 as Diablo 2 sequel, is consistent in many ways.

Looking D3 PVP - some important parameters

Attack Speed

Some figures in order to be more durable output, preferring to reduce their

attack speed. PVP will be a completely different world, the attack speed slow

the party in a very passive position. The attack speed will affect the shot

speed and output per unit of time, if the other fast attack speed, and you

fast attack speed, then the other side can fight or two away quickly in this

process, but you can only hit him once. Along with a variety of the attacks

effects and control field skills, attack speed slow the party will be very


Movement speed

The current moving speed just to better Farm efficiency. PVP moving speed will

be very important, the running slower easily it would be against the target.

Because people can do the h / r, hit you, and then quickly ran away. The final

lead you to hit less than others, but others can be all kinds of teasing you,

hit you ran away, you chase to catch up. Higher mobile speed tactical means

you can be more flexible and fight more ease. Foreseeable future we will

strive to Paosu mentioned ceiling.

Several important defensive attributes

As we all know: Armor antibody (mAb), physical fitness.

We currently ignore properties useful in the future

Reduce the time to control the market - think about it, Diablo III so much

control skills, if Blizzard does not control the effective time of the control

field, once you stun to result obviously, you will control three seconds, the

other side can use a variety of you get. Once you have a high level of control

field to reduce the other control skills will no longer terrible.

Ice damage - previously PVP when the face of physical attack opponents or

Master Crow essential items, the reason is that in order to eliminate the

impact of the frozen effect. Diablo 3, almost all attacks are simple

processing, ice damage for 5 individual objects are useful properties;

The deceleration - Diablo III have a lot of deceleration skills, but in the

state of dispensable for current PvE basic. PVP is not the same, 60% - 80% of

the deceleration will be a decisive advantage.

Block - if the other 40% of the block, you do not, then you will be miserable.

Obviously Block increased by 40% than to hurt more than 10-20% should be

efficient multi. This is not the same with PVE, PVE seeking fast,, PVP Qiuwen,

seeking not to lose;

Dodge - can dodge real Looking where possible, it was only monk, the other

characters in this feeling is dispensable. But in fact, this is the wrong

concept, dodge the future will be an extremely important parameter. You see

1000 more agile bb or Master, please do not be surprised;

Repulsed - repulsed PVP time is extremely useful properties, and repulsed not

control field time to reduce the effect of weakening. Dominate the PVP field

the former AMA rely repulsed and puncture D3 DH Can we rely repulsed a new

generation of King spent, and then to be tested;

Attributes of PVP may be useless

Blood cells and blood cells pick up, need to see Blizzard set. If it is valid

then the blood cells and blood cell pickup also is useful properties.

Blinding fear these equipment or skills in Diablo 2 PVP is invalid, Diablo 3,

to see Blizzard set.

PVP certainly useless property

mf, gf, this would not have stressed, everyone knows that, unless there is a

hot point Jay fat mind .I think can Farm Jay fat, why you can not mutually

farm it?

You can see from the above, the Diablo 3 simplifies many attributes, but there

are still many of the useful properties to choose from. Mix which need all the

wisdom to dig, and this is also the charm of Diablo PVP. Diablo PVP is far

from a simple heap of hurt, and never hurt the highest and most effective.

Injury is just one of a number of indicators. This is why the so-called

character ranking is a very tricky thing.

Some people say that Diablo III is games rely equipment, this proposition

looks right. But this is really just a one-sided story. PVP of course, the

equipment is required, but as long as you meet the threshold of PVP gear, in

fact, is enough. The once only melee melee for the property requires

relatively harsh fact Fortunately. But you can not expect with a purgatory are

difficult equipment to PVP.

Diablo III PVP skills to select

Diablo 3 has its advantages and skills to select the player full freedom,

according to the opponent to change the mix of skills, this may change to some

extent D2 PVP skills to select relatively single. Skills to select an ideal

state is so that they can effectively attack the other, but you can protect

yourself. Blizzard continues to be modified, but the general idea is that will

not change.

Melee VS melee

General melee vs melee you play with kites is not impossible, but it will be

bs. Melee vs melee is the violence, VS violent, parameters than on to play a

very important role. The circuitous, skill choice is relatively fixed, but the

technical content of the melee vs melee is equally high. For example, the same

ww, you can effectively hit the opponent, the opponent can not hit you.

The remote VS melee skills select

Remote should be selected to allow both sides to keep the distance with skills

and equipment. For such as deceleration traps, deceleration spiders, Blizzard

array, and so on. Still have to choose the high mobility skills, such as

Master of jump, the spirituality of the witch doctor, dh tumbling. The key is

to distance, so that they can reach the other side, while the other not hit


Melee skills should be as effective close to each other, and harm reduction

efforts in the process of close withstand. I believe that if the venue if this

will be placed in the melee in front of a big problem. Diablo 2 when,

regardless of how much God melee installed, are difficult to win nec remote,

especially bb. Hope melee enthusiasts Diablo 3 efforts to change the tide.

The remote VS Remote skills select

Remote and remote Diablo 3 without taking into account the rapid and sustained

Teleport skills, makes it difficult to close the within a very short time to a

certain distance outside the opponent. Remote vs remote attack distance is

king, the Master with cut fruit skills Arcane ball to face each other, with

predictable results. Same high mobile skills are also useful, because by high

-speed moving quickly to avoid each other's attacks.

The equipment is based on skills means, but really let you become a PVP strong

tactical ability and mentality. Diablo PVP than any game like a duel between

two martial arts masters or more of the martial arts master and will dodge the

flying kind. In Diablo 2, spent tens of thousands or even more rmb PVP poor

people is generally the case, the master was almost zero, because often such

people are too satisfied with their God installed, while ignoring the

operational and tactical importance. PVP is a panel camp exposed underpants.

Diablo PVP tactics are used in a lot of military theory. For example:

Technology to let the other running around in circles, showing surprising

flaws, but they should always be moving steadily.

Patiently observe the opponent's lightning attack. Strive to have a harvest

each attack, but they can get out. Offensive and defensive from the loss of

800, the 1000 play is not the master of the wounded enemy for relaxation.

Others impact you when you refrain from blindly head-on fight. Each other over

time because the initiative has opponents took may have lost a few skills, you

are blind to meet her and, very likely in strokes sacked. Reliable, quickly

leave their original position, ran to the safety position most likely. When

the other to escape when you should be careful pursuit. Similarly, the other

party may put some trap or throw a few skills in wait for you, but when

opponents run time, but also his surprising flaws. This sounds a bit

contradictory with the first sentence is true, often must rely on your

experience to judge the situation, know your opponent to make a choice.

In addition, the high requirements of Diablo PVP mentality. Never in your

dominant blindly optimistic, because even if the other is only a trace of

blood, you can not hit him, then he is likely to counter-kill you. Similarly,

even if there is no blood, do not give up hope, looking for opportunities to

be patient, waiting for an opportunity. PVP to be very calm, it will be very

easy in each other's traps, you should think calmly predict the opponent's

actions to fight in a reasonable manner.

Finally, I want to say, Diablo PVP to the final operation, the experience and

mentality of competition, equipment, skills, as well as speed, is a basic

requirement. PVP of the world is very exciting, very stimulating than PVE

fact, a lot of fun, but the face of a people can not be looked up opponents,

the frustration is also stronger. PVP no equipment falling, lack of

experience, some just for the ultimate pursuit of the game, like a good go


Add one thing: not the pursuit of the so-called first, and a friend to play

with, even if it is hell and equipment, as long as we are about the same can

be joy.

Add one more point: Diablo 3 in many places is not yet suitable for Diablo

PVP, in the traditional sense of the to believe the Jay team are hard to

adjust and test. In fact, because of the reasons of the current equipment

systems, leading to heap harm than heap effective defense. Any fighting to be

persistent to have fun.

Went on to add: back to the blood is very useful, it is estimated that the the

PvP Rules will limit back to the use of blood loaded.